Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Agguingere e Soffriggere

Agguingere and soffriggere are my new favorite words!

The homework for my Italian class was to take a recipe for Bolognese sauce and translate it into Italian using my growing grasp of Italian.

This isn't my sauce recipe, it's the one that we were given to translate. I think that I've done pretty well with the translation!

Tritare finemente il sedano, la cipolla e la carota.
Soffriggere le verdure in olio e burro.
Mescolare la pancetta e la carne macinata.
Aggiungere la pancetta e la carne macinata alle vedure.
Rosolare bene la carne e le verdure per 15-20 minuti.
Sfumare con un bicchiere di vino rosso.
Agguingere il concentrato di pomodoro e il brodo di carne.
Infine aggiungere un bicchiere di latte.
Lasciare cuocere a fuoco basso per 2 o 3 ore.
Buon appetito!

Translation -
Bolognese Sauce
Finely chop the celery, onion and carrot.
Saute (fry) the vegetables in olive oil and butter.
Add in (mix) the bacon and minced meat.
Add bacon and minced meat (ground beef) with vegetables.
Brown the meat and vegetables for 15-20 minutes.
Blend (Reduce and Simmer) with a glass of red wine.
ADD the tomato paste and beef broth.
Finally, add a glass of milk.
Cook over low heat for 2 or 3 hours.
Enjoy your meal!

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